Rockheights Music News
Scroll down to see all the concert and event dates for the 2024 2025 school year, or a copy of any notice which was sent home. If you are in grade 6, or new to the school, please check out the Newcomers page of this website!
Busy days ahead!
Term 2 is an important time for music students to learn new skills and to prepare for some exciting performances! Intermediate-level Band, Jazz Band, Strings and Choir students are preparing for a Concert Tour to Victoria West and MacAulay Elementary Schools, all-day Wednesday, March 12th. All music students, beginner to advanced, are encouraged to prepare solo, small and large group pieces to perform in the COOL STUFF SHOW on Friday, April 11th. This concert is a fundraiser intended to raise money for events in the 2025 2026 school year. Parents, we need your help to make this event a success! If you are able, please join get in touch with Risa McDonell at [email protected] Please also see the page on this site dedicated to this event. |
We won a grant!
Super exciting news: we won a grant! Ms. McDonell applied for grant funding from ArtStarts, an organization that supports artists in coming into schools to work with students! The grant money will be used to bring in Mr. Louis Rudner, one of the city's finest jazz bass players and co-director of the Universal Jazz Artists and Mentors, to come to our class several times in terms 2 and 3! Many groups applied for this funding and we are so grateful to ArtStarts for funding our project!
Super exciting news: we won a grant! Ms. McDonell applied for grant funding from ArtStarts, an organization that supports artists in coming into schools to work with students! The grant money will be used to bring in Mr. Louis Rudner, one of the city's finest jazz bass players and co-director of the Universal Jazz Artists and Mentors, to come to our class several times in terms 2 and 3! Many groups applied for this funding and we are so grateful to ArtStarts for funding our project!
2024 2025 Timetable
We are nearly certain that this will be the music program's timetable for this year. There are many moving parts to a school timetable. It takes time, at the start of each year, for things to settle. We should know for certain by the end of this week if these class times will work. There will not be any more classes moving out or into the timetable.

When do classes meet? For newcomers, please note that our program is on a "pull-out enrichment" model, which means that you leave your regular classroom to participate in band, strings or choir. Jazz Band is the only class which meets after school, on Thursdays, until 3:47pm.
It's very important that students bring their instrument and music to every class. Grown-ups, please support your young musician by setting a reminder alarm to tell them to take it to school.
It's very important that students bring their instrument and music to every class. Grown-ups, please support your young musician by setting a reminder alarm to tell them to take it to school.
What major events are happening THIS YEAR (2024 2025)?
Tuesday, September 3 to Friday, September 6th - music program information sessions (in classes) and grade assemblies
Monday, September 9th - music classes begin with an assembly for ALL GRADE 6's in block 4
Wednesday, September 19th, 4:30 - 6:30pm - Meet the Teacher Night and Instrument Rental Night
Tuesday, September 24 3:00-4:30pm First Lesson for trumpets, trombones, baritones and euphoniums and flutes
Wednesday, September 25 3:00-4:30pm First Lesson for percussion
(bass guitars, clarinets and alto saxes will have their first lesson on one of these two dates - TBA soon!)
Friday, November 8 - 10:30am Remembrance Day Assembly - Choir and Intermediate Strings to perform.
Sunday, December 1, call time 5:00pm - choir performance at the Esquimalt Celebration of Lights
Wednesday, December 11, 7pm - all ensembles perform at the Winter Concert. Uniform required.
6:30pm, Wednesday, January 8th Parent Meeting about Spring Fundraiser Event
Friday, January 24 - Sunday, January 26 Musical Discoveries music day-camp at UVIC
Monday, March 3 to Thursday, March 6 - choir will perform on one of these nights at Victoria Sings Choral Festival
Wednesday, March 12, all day - grade 7 & 8 concert tour of Vic West and Macaulay. Uniform required.
Friday, April 11 7pm COOL STUFF SHOW! Students choose what to wear.
Thursday, May 1, during the afternoon, Grade 6 Beginning Band Festival
7pm, Wednesday, May 28 Final Concert for Concert Bands and Jazz Band. Uniform required.
7pm, Wednesday, June 4, 7pm Final Concert for Choir and Strings. Uniform required.
Jazz Band students: Come out and jam on Saturdays!
U-JAM is a local organization that mentors jazz musicians of any age, and advocates for quality jazz education. They offer two main programs: a Saturday afternoon jam session; and a one-week summer camp. Students should have at least one year of experience playing their instrument, and a desire to learn more about jazz improvisation. The instructors are some of the city's finest jazz musicians and educators, including public school music teachers. They work with anyone who attends to guide them towards creative jazz improvising, stylish 'comping, and more! Students also get a chance to perform locally, for example at Hermann's Jazz Club. It is fantastically fun and an exceptional value! Contact Ms. McDonell, or [email protected] for more info. |
Letters and Forms
Here you'll find a copy of any letter that has gone home to families. Students receive paper copies in class, as well. Email notices will not be repeated here. Please make sure your email addresses are also up-to-date with the main office.
Check back here for 2024 2025 Letters and Forms
Check back here for 2024 2025 Letters and Forms
Risa McDonell, Music Teacher

I'm proud to be the Music Teacher at Rockheights Middle School, since 2019. For 15 years, I taught band, jazz band, and more in North Vancouver secondary schools and played flute for the West Coast Symphony Orchestra. During my time in North Vancouver, I was very lucky to conduct three major musical theatre productions, to be a part of the team who created a Canadian-Japanese sister school exchange program, and to take bands to perform in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, San Diego, Tokyo, The Vancouver International Jazz Festival, The Canadian Rocky Mountain Music Festival in Banff, and Musicfest Canada Nationals. A few years ago, I returned home to Victoria to raise my daughter near my family. I'm privileged to play flute and piccolo for the Meridiem Wind Orchestra here in Victoria. It's been a blast to make musical memories at Rockheights and I'm looking forward to more!
Risa McDonell, Music Teacher
Rockheights Middle School Music Program
1250 Highrock Avenue, Esquimalt, BC V9A 4V7
(250) 384-7125
[email protected]
Rockheights Middle School Music Program
1250 Highrock Avenue, Esquimalt, BC V9A 4V7
(250) 384-7125
[email protected]